Saturday, 16 August 2014

We're All In This Together!

This week has flown right by!

I've eaten three burgers this week........nicht gut (not good in german) BUT they have all been so tasty. The Americans do burgers very very well. The best one was called the Black and Blue Burger (tastes much better than it sounds). It was a beef burger with bacon, blue cheese, cheddar cheese and crispy onions - VERY NICE :-)

But what's been really good is.....
This has also been the second week of training and it's been great. I've learned a lot and we had a commissioning service on Friday to celebrate finishing training. The morning bible studies with my team have been really good this week and we have learned so much from each other.

Pais USA have 7 teams and we've all been spread out in Fort Worth, Arlington, Colorado, Amarillo, Flower Mound and Midlands - you can check them all out on google maps ;-) 

So there were lots of goodbyes to the people in other teams we won't see for a while. 

My team bible study on Thursday morning 

I noticed that nobody updated me on the premier league action today and that Arsenal Won their first match 2-1! BUT it's all good BECAUSE I get to watch all the premier league matches I want on NBC Sport!! Whoop whoop!

Highlight - Planning and delivering our first lesson as a team (and discovering NBC Sport)
Lowlight - Mosquito bites and catching a cold

If you want to find out a bit more about Pais and what we do check out the website and they're always looking for more great people to join the team :-)

This year's Fort Worth team

Bye for now!

1 comment:

  1. I'm beginning to think a food blog should be started! Glad to hear you're getting into the swing of things. Love you
